KOTVM solid-fuel heating boilers with a water circuit with 0.25 MPa working water pressure and maximum outlet temperature up to 95 °C are intended for use in natural or forced circulation heating systems of low-rise residential buildings, social facilities, administrative and industrial buildings and premises with an area up to 1200 m2.
KOTVM boilers are manufactured in five modifications, which differ in rated heat power (12.5, 30, 50, 75, 95) spent on heating the heat carrier (designated as KOTVM-12.5, KOTVM-30, KOTVM-50, KOTVM-75, KOTVM-95, respectively).
Depending on the modification, the boilers can be equipped with a combustion regulator, an automation unit, and a boost fan.
The boilers are intended to burn local types of solid fuels - firewood, wood chips, sawdust, woodworking waste, peat (in bricks), coal, etc.