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Sales, purchasing, office, resumes in Blackpool

1 resume
Nath S., 51 years old, London  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Blackpool, willing to relocate, full time
Work experience: 3 years, Supervisor (International customer support team), IN14 (inDriver), Moscow, Russia. 11.5 years, Various positions in the course of 12 years. Store Incharge, Branch Manager, Warehouse Manager, Director(CEO) July 2002 - February 2014 Director(CEO), LLC NV Print, Moscow. Education: MUL, Automobile maintainance, Haryana...
13 January 2023
Within the radius of 380 km from Blackpool


  £ 50,000
Hudaykulyyev R., 46 years old, Ashgabat, TM  |  Higher education
looking for job in Aberdeen, 377 km, Leeds, Edinburgh, Oxford, Cambridge..., full time
Work experience: 2.5 years, Branch director, Yokogawa, Ashgabat. 1 year, Deputy Director of Business Development, Ynanch Hyzmat , Ashgabat. Education: Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly, English translation , Ashgabat 1994 - 1998.
12 July 2023
Jumaniyazov Suxrob Qudrat o’g’li
Jumaniyazov S., 27 years old, Tashkent, UZ  |  Higher education
looking for job in London, 324 km, Manchester, Liverpool, Southampton, Airdrie, full time
No work experience. Education: ТАШКЕНТСКИЙ ИНСТИТУТ ИНЖЕНЕРОВ ИРРИГАЦИИ И МЕХАНИЗАЦИИ, Менеджер , Ташкент 2016 - 2020, Готов к любой работе.
Jumaniyazov Suxrob Qudrat o’g’li
22 April 2021
Соловьев Е., 29 years old, Kherson, UA  |  Higher education
looking for job in London, 324 km, Liverpool, Leeds, full time
Work experience: 7.5 years, Логист, Dunapack Tavria, Херсон. 1 year, Оператор гофроагрегата, Dunapack Tavria, Херсон. Education: Херсонский национальный технический университет, Микро- и наноэлектроника, Херсон 2012 - 2018, Отсутствуют вредные привычки, веду полный здоровый образ жизни. Окончил Херсонский национальный технический университет с...
3 February 2018

Order manager

  £ 10
Grimes N., 19 years old, Liverpool  |  Secondary education
44 km, any schedule
No work experience.
12 August 2024
Radhakrishnan P., 35 years old, Liverpool  |  Higher education
44 km, any schedule
Work experience: 1.5 years, Business Devlopment executive, eapps global london, London. Education: York St John university london, business Administration, London 2021 - 2022.
11 February 2024


  £ 11.50
Rahman A., 35 years old, Liverpool  |  Vocational secondary
44 km, any schedule
No work experience. Education: Intermidiate, Intermidiate, Mardan 2013 - 2015.
1 March 2023
Шарипов Х., 26 years old, Moskva, TJ  |  Higher education
looking for job in Manchester, 62 km, willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 2 mo., Инспектор отдела кадров, Флагма , Марсель.
12 September 2024


  £ 10.50
Opokuaa P., 31 years old, Manchester  |  Higher education
62 km, willing to relocate, any schedule
No work experience. Education: University of Ghana , packer, Accra 2015 - 2019.
21 February 2024
Abubakar07412976011 M., 36 years old, Manchester  |  Higher education
62 km, full time
Work experience: 8 years, Assistant Manager Operations, Punjab Capital Market Management and Development Company Pakistan , Dera Ghazi Khan. Education: University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore, Pakistan , veterinary medicine , Lahore 2013 - 2015.
17 February 2024
Zaripov Olzhas Ikzartuly


  £ 3,500
Zaripov O., 31 years old, Almaty, KZ  |  Higher education
looking for job in Manchester, 62 km, any schedule
Work experience: 3 years, Оператор 1С, ТОО "A-Store", Усть-Каменогорск. 2 years, Мастер смены, ТОО "ЖАНСАТ", Усть-Каменогорск. Education: КАСУ, Информационные системы, Усть-Каменогорск 2011 - 2015, Легко обучаемый, не теряю темп работы, легко нахожу общий язык в компаний. Люблю футбол, смотреть и играть.
Zaripov Olzhas Ikzartuly
25 September 2023
Zubarieva N., 44 years old, Munich, DE  |  Higher education
looking for job in Manchester, 62 km, Manchester, London, Bristol, full time
Work experience: 22 years, Руководитель магазина, The Climb, Днепр. Education: НметАУ, магистр экономики предприятия, Dnipro 1998 - 2003, Я чудовий комунікатор, вмію працювати , дуже чітко можу планувати робочий день\тиждень , розмовляю вільно та коректно українською, англійською, російською, розумію значення слова "субординація" та...
25 July 2022
Батырканов Н., 24 years old, Bishkek, KG  |  Higher education
looking for job in Manchester, 62 km, willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 1.5 years, Менеджер по продажам, ОсОО "Агентство Недвижимости №1", Бишкек. 1 year, Тренер, Футбольная Академия "Чемпион", Бишкек. Education: КНУ им. Жусупа Баласагына, экономика, Бишкек 2018 - 2022, Личные качества: уверенность; решительность; интеллект Увлечения: финансы; футбол Жизненные принципы: свобода во всех формах...
2 April 2022
Full name hidden, 44 years old, Stockport  |  Secondary education
73 km, full time
No work experience.
8 February 2024
Prabhjot P., 31 years old, Birmingham  |  Higher education
165 km, full time
Work experience: 9 mo., Order manager, PAUL'S COMPANY LIMITED, Birmingham. Education: GURU NANAK DEV UNIVERSITY, BACHELOR OF ARTS, PUNJAB INDIA 2013 - 2016.
27 July 2023
Toshpulatov Islom
Toshpulatov I., 20 years old, Tashkent, UZ  |  Incomplete higher education
looking for job in Birmingham, 165 km, willing to relocate, full time
No work experience, Умение работать в быстро меняющем среде, способность добиваться положительных результатов в любых обстоятельствах. Аналитические способности, умение быстро обрабатывать информацию из различных источников. Сильные коммуникативные навыки, умение...
Toshpulatov Islom
9 April 2023
In neighboring regions
Solodka M., 34 years old, Leicester  |  Higher education
any schedule
No work experience. Education: Mykolaiv branch of Kyiv national University , Business management , Mykolaiv 2008 - 2013.
7 June 2023
Shiyan S., 20 years old, Castle Douglas  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Glasgow, Glasgow, full time
No work experience. Education: МБККНУБА, Архітектор, Миколаїв 2020 - сurrent time.
26 February 2023
Full name hidden, 19 years old, Lanark  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Lanark, Glasgow, any schedule
No work experience, Правильное распоряжение временем, целеустремленность, опыт в сфере дизайна.
12 January 2023
In United Kingdom


  £ 3,500
Full name hidden, 49 years old, Andijan, UZ  |  Higher education
looking for job in Farnborough, Farnborough, full time
Work experience: 7.5 years, Клодавшик, Алталюс, Москва. Education: Политехнический институт, инженер механик, Андижан 1993 - 1998, Играть футбол.
20 days ago
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