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Remote work, resumes in Leicester

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In Leicester no resume in this category. Pay attention to resumes in other cities.
Within the radius of 270 km from Leicester
Radionov Igor Vyacheslavovich
Radionov I., 39 years old, Tashkent, UZ  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Darlington, 212 km, Leeds, Manchester, Darlington, Stoke-on-Trent, full time
Work experience: 6 mo., Разнорабочий, Donations, Reykjavík, Позитивный, серьёзный, ответственный.
Radionov Igor Vyacheslavovich
9 April 2024
Хусейнов А., 28 years old, Dushanbe, TJ  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Longbenton, 265 km, full time, part time
Work experience: 5 years, Повар разнорабочий, Ооо пивко, Москва, Меня надо по работать денг и вернуться к семье.
17 February 2024
Аннагелдиев Б., 29 years old, Ashgabat, TM  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Bootle, 153 km, Birmingham, full time
No work experience.
19 April 2023
Саинсус А., 26 years old, Northampton  |  Higher education
47 km, any schedule
Work experience: 3 mo., Менеджер консультант, Gloria Tur , Кишинев. 11 mo., Администратор, Assorti travel , Кишинев. 1 year, Консультант менеджер, Nicole Storm, Кишинев. Education: Ulim, Экономический факультет - Бизнес и управление , Кишинев 2019 - 2021. Колледж легкой промышленности , Косметология и парихмахерское дело , Бельцы 2015 - 2019,...
12 August 2022
Богдан К., 18 years old, Birmingham  |  Secondary education
54 km, any schedule
No work experience, Хочу заниматся работой на дому , чтобы был хороший старт и рост карьеры в будущем, время есть каждый день.
13 August 2022
Ontol Michova O., 33 years old, Lincoln  |  Higher education
77 km, willing to relocate, any schedule
No work experience. Education: ОНПу, Культуролог, Одесса Украина 2008 - 2014.
24 November 2022
Хоменко А., 25 years old, Sheffield  |  Higher education
85 km, any schedule
No work experience. Education: Киевский национальный университет им. Тараса Шевченка, Политология, Киев 2016 - 2020, 1. Ответственность 2. Не конфликтность 3. Порядочность 4. Аккуратность 5. Целеустремлённость 6. Внимательность 7. Коммуникабельность 8. Дружелюбность.
13 July 2022
Рахимов И., 24 years old, Tashkent, UZ  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Worcester, 89 km, Wolverhampton, Worcester, Atherton, any schedule
Work experience: 3 years, Специалист по аренде недвижимости, ООО"Узтелеком" филиал Узмобайл, Ташкент. Education: Промышленный колледж города Ахангаран, Электрик, Ташкент 2016 - 2019, Обшительный ответственность и желание карьерного роста.
20 May 2024


  £ 210
Smirnova V., 30 years old, Mexborough  |  Secondary education
95 km, full time
No work experience.
19 January 2020
Petrovs M., 22 years old, Doncaster  |  Secondary education
99 km, any schedule
No work experience.
20 July 2023
Full name hidden, 20 years old, Samarkand, UZ  |  Incomplete higher education
looking for job in Manchester, 120 km, Manchester, any schedule
Work experience: 7.5 years, Мастер, Маляр, гипсакардонщик, Самарканд.
21 August 2024
Рахмонова Х., 45 years old, Ferghana, UZ  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Manchester, 120 km, any schedule
No work experience.
10 October 2023

Executive assistant

  £ 25,000
Yiu Man W., 27 years old, Manchester  |  Higher education
120 km, any schedule
Work experience: 4 mo., Secretary (Grade S2), Wai Kee Holdings Ltd., Hong Kong. 2 years, Secretary / Business Support Executive, Chargeurs PCC Fashion Technologies, Hong Kong. Education: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Bachelor's degree in Fashion and Textile Design, Hong Kong 2015 - 2019.
21 July 2023
Amanbek uulu Azamat
Amanbek uulu A., 32 years old, Bishkek, KG  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Manchester, 120 km, willing to relocate, any schedule
No work experience. Education: 2016, Помощник повара и кондитера , Бишкек 2012 - 2014.
Amanbek uulu Azamat
23 August 2022
Buliga A., 31 years old, Manchester  |  Higher education
120 km, remotely
No work experience. Education: Dunărea de jos, Galați, Romania, Inginer Elecromecanic, Galaţi 2012 - 2016. B.P.Hasdeu, Inginer și manager in transporturi, Cahul, Moldova 2012 - 2016.
17 February 2022
Mitea A., 24 years old, Salford  |  Incomplete higher education
122 km, willing to relocate, full time
Work experience: 6 years, Retail Assistant, Primark , Manchester. Education: City skiils college, Walkden College, White Rose College, Oasis media city , Beauty , Manchester 2018 - 2023.
29 April 2024
In neighboring regions
Михай Д., 24 years old, Bradford  |  Secondary education
No work experience.
14 hours ago
Lysenko Aleksandr Arkadievich


Lysenko A., 22 years old, Mansfield  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Maidstone, willing to relocate, any schedule
No work experience, I can cook delicious food, I am ready to move myself. I live in Russia in the city of Tomsk.
Lysenko Aleksandr Arkadievich
17 days ago
Full name hidden, 36 years old, Fareham  |  Higher education
any schedule
No work experience. Education: Академия физической культуры, фитнесс, Харьков 2007 - 2012, Работала воздушной гимнасткой.
5 June 2024
Full name hidden, 24 years old, Nantwich  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Liverpool, Aberdare, any schedule
No work experience.
8 December 2023
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