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Foreign trade, logistics, customs, resumes in London

30 resumes
Region London
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30 resumes
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Kazlauskas E., 34 years old, London  |  Secondary education
any schedule
No work experience.
1 day ago
Барковский Алексей Олегович
Барковский А., 31 years old, Minsk, BY  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in London, any schedule
Work experience: 1.5 years, Водитель автовоза, UAB Transprofus, Шяуляй. Education: ЛГАТК, Мелиорация и водное хозяйство, Минск 2009 - 2013, Увлекаюсь Спортом: Лёгкая атлетика. Люблю ходить в кино и театр, встречаются с друзьями, веду активный образ жизни. Позитивный молодой человек . С активной жизненной позицией. Люблю автомобили и всё что с...
Барковский Алексей Олегович
23 December 2024
Салохиддинов Т., 43 years old, Andijan, UZ  |  Secondary education
looking for job in London, willing to relocate, any schedule
No work experience.
14 November 2024
Full name hidden, 33 years old, Dushanbe, TJ  |  Higher education
looking for job in London, willing to relocate, full time, part time
Work experience: 3 years, Менеджер склада, 4, Москва. Education: Академия ОБСЕ , Экономическое управления и развития , Бишкек 2017 - 2018.
24 July 2024
Джанонов А., 41 years old, Andijan, UZ  |  Secondary education
looking for job in London, any schedule
Work experience: 6 mo., Кладовщик, ООО ЦЕНТР ХОФФ, Домодедово.
1 July 2024
Johnson-nwosu I., 20 years old, London (Ontario), CA  |  Higher education
looking for job in London, any schedule
Work experience: 1 mo., Warehouse operative, Muller warehouse/afe recruitment, London.
19 June 2024
Cheung M., 40 years old, London  |  Higher education
any schedule
Work experience: 2.5 years, Residential WORKER, HONG KONG STUDENT AID SOCIETY, HONG KONG. Education: Caritas Francis HSU college, Associate degree of Social science in social work , HONG KONG 2007 - 2009.
3 June 2024
Agyei Manu D., 37 years old, London  |  Higher education
part time, remotely
No work experience. Education: College of Nursing-Ntotroso, Registered General Nurse, Ghana 2016 - 2019, Hardworking and dependable warehouse associate with a focus on optimizing workflow efficiencies and minimizing errors. Recognized for proactive problem-solving, effective communication, and a commitment to delivering exceptional service to...
8 April 2024

Warehouse operator

  £ 2,700
Kaushik S., 35 years old, London  |  Higher education
willing to relocate, full time
Work experience: 1 year, Admin Coordinator, Marriott Regents Park, London. Education: Institute of Advanced Studies in Education, Master's in Business Administration, India 2012 - 2013. Jaipur National University, Bachelor of Hotel Management, India 2007 - 2011, I have over 12 years of accumulated operational experience with extensive expertise...
2 April 2024

Truck driver

  £ 4,000
Qurbonov U., 54 years old, Dushanbe, TJ  |  Higher education
looking for job in London, willing to relocate, full time
Work experience: 8 mo., Truck driver, Asiatrans, Dushanbe. 4 mo., Truck driver, Kamida, Kaunas. Education: TGNU, Mathematic, Dushanbe 2001 - 2006.
17 March 2024


  £ 3,500
Гаврилюк Р., 34 years old, Bochnia, PL  |  Incomplete higher education
looking for job in London, willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 4 mo., Магазинер, H@M, Goleniów. Education: Кам'янець Подільський ІМЕСГ, Інженер транспортних технологій , Кам'янець Подільський 2012 - 2017, Володію Українською, Польською, Російською, та трішки Англійської треба підтягнути.
26 February 2024
Шерназаров Д., 22 years old, Khabarovsk, RU  |  Incomplete higher education
looking for job in London, Newcastle upon Tyne, Manchester, any schedule
Work experience: 1.5 years, Водитель автопогрузчика, ООО Невада-восток, Хабаровск, Есть опыт работы на складе.
21 February 2024
Айтбаев Е., 49 years old, Pavlodar, KZ  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in London, London, any schedule
Work experience: 3.5 years, Водитель экспедитор, Abotrans, Kaynas. Education: СПТ-28, Тракторист-машенист , Павлодар 1990 - 1993.
14 January 2024
Олимов М., 31 years old, London  |  Secondary education
full time
Work experience: 9.5 years, Водитель автопогрузчика, DHL, Худжанд.
15 November 2023

Truck driver

Mahmanabiyev S., 28 years old, Utena, LT  |  Secondary education
looking for job in London, willing to relocate, full time
Work experience: 3.5 years, Truck driver, Murodjon Qodirovich MCHJ , Qarshi. 1 year, Truck driver, Utvyta UAB , Utena.
21 August 2023

Warehouse operator

  £ 2,000
Latha Suresh Kumar S., 29 years old, London  |  Higher education
looking for job in London, Luton, Northampton, Bristol, Sutton Coldfield..., full time
Work experience: 2 mo., Account payable, Sanderson hotel, London. Education: Northumbria university , International business , London 2022 - 2023.
31 July 2023


  £ 4,000
Alishova Z., 46 years old, Baku, AZ  |  Higher education
looking for job in London, London, full time
No work experience. Education: Oil and Qaz Academy, menecer, Baku 2019 - 2023.
20 July 2023
Мурашковський В., 27 years old, Cheb, CZ  |  Secondary education
looking for job in London, full time
Work experience: 3 years, Оператор склада, DHL Tchibo, Cheb.
26 March 2023
Full name hidden, 35 years old, Romiley  |  Higher education
looking for job in London, London, any schedule
No work experience. Education: ЧГУ, Коммерция, Грозный 2007 - 2012.
12 February 2023
Aminov Farrux Zobirjonovich
Aminov F., 26 years old, Samarkand, UZ  |  Secondary education
looking for job in London, London, Manchester, Liverpool, full time
Work experience: 7 mo., Работник склада, Лубоя, Лондон.
Aminov Farrux Zobirjonovich
8 February 2023
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