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Accounting & finance, resumes in London

12 resumes


  £ 15
Full name hidden, 34 years old, London  |  Higher education
full time
Work experience: 2.5 years, Menecer, Casio, Baku. Education: Biulding college, Technology , Baku 2007 - 2010, Azerbaijani Turkish Russian Kamran Gasimov 07932518713.
21 days ago


Karomatov S., 39 years old, Termez, UZ  |  Higher education
looking for job in London, willing to relocate, any schedule
No work experience.
27 September 2024
Bhandari P., 39 years old, London  |  Higher education
any schedule
Work experience: 4.5 years, Front Desk Officer, Furniworld Architect Interior and Manufacturing Pvt. Ltd., Kathmandu. Education: Tribhuwan University, Account & Finance, Kathmandu 2005 - 2008.
7 July 2024
Eshmamatov Shavkat Zafar


Full name hidden, 31 years old, Kattakurgan, UZ  |  Incomplete higher education
looking for job in London, London, full time
Work experience: 2 years, Payvandlovchi, Standart elektro texnika, Kattaqo‘rg‘on, Sport.
Eshmamatov Shavkat Zafar
25 November 2023
Шамсидинов Жахангир Умаралиевич
Шамсидинов Ж., 43 years old, Andijan, UZ  |  Incomplete higher education
looking for job in London, full time
Work experience: , Рабочий склада, Calvin clein, Лондон. Education: Селькохозяйственный институт, Бухгалтерский учет и аудит, Андижан Узбекистан 1998 - 2002.
Шамсидинов Жахангир Умаралиевич
23 October 2023
Full name hidden, 47 years old, London  |  Higher education
looking for job in London, London, full time
Work experience: 25 years, Financial director, LTD Standart invest, Tashkent. Education: TSUE, Economy finance , Tashkent 1995 - 2000.
22 October 2023
Muir G., 23 years old, London  |  Incomplete higher education
willing to relocate, any schedule
No work experience. Education: King’s College London, Natural and Mathematical Sciences (Physics), London 2020 - 2022.
27 May 2023
Рустам Жингилбоев Холбекович
Рустам Ж., 45 years old, Jizzakh, UZ  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in London, remotely
Work experience: 19.5 years, Специалист по кредитованию, АКБ "Агробанк", Джиззак. 7.5 years, Бухгалтер главный, ООО "JIZZAX FAYZ OSMONI", Джиззак. Education: Ташкентский Учетно-кредитный колледж, банковское дело, Ташкент 1996 - 1999, Могу работать в экономических программах на компьютере.
Рустам Жингилбоев Холбекович
23 November 2022
Ananyev T., 37 years old, Almaty, KZ  |  Higher education
looking for job in London, any schedule
Work experience: 2 years, Financial Analyst, BeSmart, Almaty. Education: Univesity of Nottingham, MBA, Nottingham 2015 - 2016.
17 March 2017
Ратникова Д., 49 years old, Gomel, BY  |  Higher education
looking for job in London, willing to relocate, full time
Work experience: 20 years, Помощница по хозяйству, Лондон, Лондон. Education: Гомельский Государственный университет транспорта, экономист-менеджер, Гомель 1996 - 2006, Работоспособность, ответственность.
2 November 2016
Kair Azhar
Kair A., 48 years old, Almaty, KZ  |  Higher education
looking for job in Oxford, 86 km, willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 9.5 years, General manager, Clearing house ETS LLP , Алматинская область. Education: Казахская государственная академия управления , Маркетинг и бизнес , Алматы 1995 - 1997, Помогаю детям из неполных семей или тем, у кого болеют родители. Сбор мусора в горах.
Kair Azhar
4 April 2023
Lavnik N., 31 years old, Minsk, BY  |  Higher education
looking for job in Bristol, 172 km, remotely
Work experience: 3 mo., Head of Analysis and Controlling Sector, ADANI UE, Minsk. 8 mo., Financial Country Controller, ADANI UE, Minsk. 1 year, Analyst of Financial Analysis Department, A2 Consulting LLC, Minsk . 1 year, Bank Specialist, (Marketing Department), MTBank JSC, Minsk. 1 year, Bank Specialist, (Financial Analysis Department), MTBank...
9 April 2022
Within the radius of 560 km from London


  £ 2,500
Каримжонович К., 39 years old, Andijan, UZ  |  Higher education
looking for job in Manchester, 264 km, Manchester, any schedule
No work experience.
22 February 2024

Finance analyst

  £ 900
Batool Z., 25 years old, Manchester  |  Higher education
264 km, willing to relocate, part time
Work experience: 1 year, Finance Coordinator, Kallu Estate and Builders , Gujranwala. Education: Punjab University , Finance , Lahore 2017 - 2021, Sketching, Cooking, Hardworking.
15 July 2023


  £ 2,000
Waters E., 42 years old, Colne  |  Higher education
looking for job in Nelson, 297 km, any schedule
Work experience: 8.5 years, Accountant, Self-employment, Colne, Extensive experience in working with various programs for the formation and delivery of reporting, I know all office programs, I am fluent in the 1C program. Regularly I attend advanced training seminars. I have the highest skills in working...
16 April 2024
Full name hidden, 41 years old, Belfast  |  Higher education
521 km, remotely
Work experience: 10.5 years, Менеджер маркетолог, ООО "Элитный Дом", Харьков. Education: Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця, Фінанси. Банківська справа, Харків 2000 - 2005.
21 December 2022
Full name hidden, 53 years old, Glasgow  |  Higher education
555 km, any schedule
Work experience: 17 years, Главный бухгалтер, Юакон, Харьков. Education: ХГЭУ, Бухучёт и аудит, Харьков 1992 - 1998.
13 February 2023
In United Kingdom
Horordka T., 41 years old, Elgin  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Elgin, Inverness, Lossiemouth, Forres, Buckie, part time
Work experience: 14.5 years, Проводник пассажирских вагонов, Ukrzaliznitsa, Николаев. 5.5 years, Кассир, Ukrzaliznitsa, Николаев. Education: НТЖТ, автоматика, Николаев 1998 - 2002. "Фаворрит", курс бухгалтерского учета и аудит, Николаев 2010 - 2010, Порядочность, внимательна к деталям, умение работать в коллективе, способность к быстрому...
1 September 2022
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