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Feeds and feed additives in London

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Sea Fish Meal 65% fish meal
£ 100/t
Product details Use Fish Admixture (%) 0.1%, 1%max Moisture (%) 0.1%, 1%max Grade AAA Grade Packaging 425g/can, 425g/can 12cans/ctn Or customized Material 100% fish Type Fish Meal, MOQ 50kgs Keyword Fish Meal, Main Market All over the world
+37 ads
23 Apr 2024
Compound feed for domestic ungulates
Price: (FCA USD) - $160\ton. Minimum order quantity: 20 tons. Payment terms: US dollar, euro. Ingredients: alfalfa - 40%, barley - 40%, wheat straw - 19%, salt - 1%. The product is certified. The offered products fully comply with high international quality. Export - import wholesale of quality
+46 ads
5 Sep 2023
Feed supplement PMVS DYVO pigs superstart 35%
DYVO pigs superstart 35% Protein vitamin and mineral supplement: Perfect protein, energy feed balancing Optimal feed conversion rate Variability in the choice of the grain part Ease of use (10 – 35%) Protein vitamin and mineral supplement 35-15% - a mix of protein, mineral, vitamin components,
+8 ads
9 Jan 2023
Compound feed for livestock
$160/t FCA
Price: (FCA USD) - 160 $ \ ton. Minimum order quantity: 20 tons. Payment terms: US dollar, euro. Composition: alfalfa - 40%, barley - 40%, wheat straw - 19%, salt - 1%. The product is certified. The offered products are fully consistent with high international quality. Export - import wholesale
+50 ads
19 Jul 2021
Feed Corn
Price on request
Feed Corn Ukraine and Russia Origin. Any Qty! Min order - 5000 mt Delivery - FOB Black Sea ports of Ukraine and Russia. Mr. Angel Malinovski. Head of Ukraine Office, Kiev-Odessa.
+8 ads
31 Jan 2020
Compound feed for animals feed wholesale LLC Mitlife
Wholesale price
200-500/t EXW
LLC "Mitlife", trading and manufacturing company. Our main goal: fruitful cooperation with the buyer with the most mutually beneficial price for everyone. We sell Compound feed for cattle, chickens (broilers), geese, cows, pigs, horses, fish. The company offers high quality animal feed. Packing:
+34 ads
22 Mar 2023
Feed supplement PMVS DYVO for laying hen productive 15%
DYVO Protein vitamin and mineral supplement: Perfect protein, energy feed balancing Optimal feed conversion rate Variability in the choice of the grain part Ease of use (10 – 35%) Protein vitamin and mineral supplement 35-15% - a mix of protein, mineral, vitamin components, it is specially
+8 ads
9 Jan 2023
Feed Barley
Price on request
Feed Barley for animals... Russia and Ukraine Origin. Delivery - FOB Black Sea ports. Min order 3000 mt. Price after Buyer request.. Angel Malinovski. Ukraine Office, Kiev-Odessa/
+8 ads
31 Jan 2020
Cheap Soybean Meal for animal feed/ Soybean Meal/ Yellow corn Wholesale Prices
Cheap Soybean Meal for animal feed/ Soybean Meal/ Yellow corn Wholesale Prices - photo 1
Cheap Soybean Meal for animal feed/ Soybean Meal/ Yellow corn Wholesale Prices - photo 2
+1 photo
Cheap Soybean Meal for animal feed/ Soybean Meal/ Yellow corn Wholesale Prices - photo 3
310/t DAP
Small Orders Accepted Key Specifications/ Special Features: Soybean Meal Soybean meal is the product remaining after extracting most of the oil from whole soybeans. The oil may be removed by solvent extraction or by an expeller process in which the beans are heated and squeezed. The nutrient
+16 ads
30 Jan
Feed supplement PMVS DYVO for broilers universal 35/30/25 %
DYVO protein vitamin and mineral supplement: Perfect protein, energy feed balancing Optimal feed conversion rate Variability in the choice of the grain part Ease of use (10 – 35%) Protein vitamin and mineral supplement 35-15% - a mix of protein, mineral, vitamin components, it is specially
+8 ads
9 Jan 2023
Compound feed KOMBI for Broilers/laying hens/quails
Compound feed KOMBI for Broilers/laying hens/quails KOMBI — 100% completed feed for poultry of appropriate species/physiological period, does not require additional enrichment or balancing with other components. It consists of vegetable, animal and biologically active components according to the
+8 ads
10 Jan 2023
DDGS (Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles ) 35%. Corn DDGS
DDGS (Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles ) 35%. Corn DDGS is a by-product of the alcohol industry. It is obtained in the production of bioethanol, which is used as a fuel additive. It can also be a partial replacement for soy flour or other protein sources. Soluble Dehydrated Grains (DDGS) are a
+1 ad
18 Aug 2022
Sunflower Meal High Protein 36% (as is) Non Pelleted, Sunflower Oil Cake, For Animal Feed
Sunflower Meal High Protein 36% (as is) Non Pelleted, Sunflower Oil Cake, For Animal Feed - photo 1
Sunflower Meal High Protein 36% (as is) Non Pelleted, Sunflower Oil Cake, For Animal Feed - photo 2
Sunflower Meal High Protein 36% (as is) Non Pelleted, Sunflower Oil Cake, For Animal Feed - photo 3
$226/t FOB
Dear customers, our company would like to offer you sunflower oil and sunflower meal. We are producing and selling sunflower seed meal and sunflower oil for export. Our factory is located in Odessa city, Ukraine. We produce and offer for export 3000 tons/month of sunflower seed meal, non pelleted
21 Nov 2021
Dry brewer's yeast
1/t EXW
Dry brewer's yeast is a unique product that contains up to 40-55% of high-quality, complete, easily digestible protein, which includes 17 essential amino acids, most of which are essential. It contains vitamins D, F, E, K, group B, biotin, minerals - magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium, copper,
6 Feb 2019
Меласса свекловичная
$350/t CIF
Продам мелассу свекловичную (для добавления в корм) Объем 3000тонн. Поставка CIF. Флекситанк.
+1 ad
28 Jan
Комбикорм для домашнего копытного скота
Price on request
Минимальная количества для заказа: 20 тон. Условия оплаты: доллар США, евро. Состав: люцерня - 40%, ячмен - 40%, солома пшеницы - 19%, соль - 1%. Продукт сертифицирован. Предлагаемая продукция полностью соответствует высоким международным качеством. Экспорт - импорт оптом качественных товаров
+65 ads
3 Jun 2023
Комбикорм для домашнего копытного скота
Price on request
Минимальная количества для заказа: 20 тон. Условия оплаты: доллар США, евро. Состав: люцерня - 40%, ячмен - 40%, солома пшеницы - 19%, соль - 1%. Продукт сертифицирован. Предлагаемая продукция полностью соответствует высоким международным качеством. Экспорт - импорт оптом качественных товаров
+52 ads
17 Apr 2023
Комбикорм для животных корма оптом LLC Mitlife
Wholesale price
200-500/t EXW
LLC "Mitlife", торгово-производственная компания. Наша главная цель: плодотворное сотрудничество с покупателем с наиболее взаимовыгодной ценой для всех. Продаем Комбикорм для животных КРС, курей ( бройлеров), гусей, коров, свиней, лошадей, рыбы. Компания предлагает высококачественные корма для
+34 ads
22 Mar 2023
Комбикорм для домашнего копытного скота
Цена: (FCA USD) - 160$\тон. Минимальная количества для заказа: 20 тон. Условия оплаты: доллар США, евро. Состав: люцерня - 40%, ячмен – 40%, солома пшеницы – 19%, соль – 1%. Продукт сертифицирован. Предлагаемая продукция полностью соответствует высоким международным качеством. Экспорт - импорт
+59 ads
10 Jan 2022
Selling sunflower cake
Price on request
Selling sunflower cake with protein 10-12% (140 $ / ton, FCA Odessa) and with protein 20-21% (190 $ / ton, FCA Odessa). Продам жмых подсолнечный с протеином 10-12% (140 $/тонна, FCA Одесса) и с протеином 20-21% (190 $/тонна, FCA Одесса).
+13 ads
8 Jun 2021
Cake from the manufacturer
Price on request
Linseed and rapeseed cake, feed concentrate of the embryo of corn. Manufacturer Производим кормовой концентрат зародыша кукурузы, а также жмых рапсовый и льняной.
+13 ads
8 Jun 2021
Жом Свекловичный
$285/t CIF
Продам мелассу свекловичную (для добавления в корм) Объем 3000тонн. Поставка CIF
+1 ad
28 Jan
Масло рапсовое техническое и жмых рапсовый - Industrial rapeseed oil and rapeseed cake
£ 1/pc
ПРОИЗВОДИТЕЛЬ предлагает масло рапсовое и жмых рапсовый - УРОЖАЯ 2021 года: ● масло рапсовое - 2000 т в месяц (налив в масловозы и флекситанки) ● жмых рапсовый - 6000 т в месяц (биг-беги по 1т или мешки по 40кг) Переработка начнётся с июля. Предполагаемый объём продаж – масла 6000 т, жмыха 18000
+13 ads
8 Jun 2021
ZHYVYNA FOR ANIMALS (feed concentrate)
ZHYVYNA Amino acid Vitamin Mineral Feed Concentrate (AAVMFC) СОУ 15.7-37-20575062-755:2010 The basis of a productive action of the feed concentrate Zhyvyna is the effect of components which comprehensively improve the biochemical composition of feed mixtures, change the protein ratio, vitamin,
+8 ads
9 Jan 2023
ZHYVYNA FOR POULTRY (compound feed)
ZHYVYNA Amino acid Vitamin Mineral Feed Concentrate (AAVMFC) СОУ 15.7-37-20575062-755:2010 The basis of a productive action of the feed concentrate Zhyvyna is the effect of components which comprehensively improve the biochemical composition of feed mixtures, change the protein ratio, vitamin,
+8 ads
9 Jan 2023
Calcium P milking herd (mineral mix for compound feed)
Calcium P Calcium-phosphorus mineral mix Calcium and phosphorus are one of the most important biogenic elements necessary for the normal functioning and passage of life processes in the body. It is an irreplaceable structural material that is part of the bone tissue and can be deposited in
+8 ads
9 Jan 2023
CALCIUM P for pigs, horses, small animals (Mineral mix for compound feed)
Calcium P Calcium-phosphorus mineral mix Calcium and phosphorus are one of the most important biogenic elements necessary for the normal functioning and passage of life processes in the body. It is an irreplaceable structural material that is part of the bone tissue and can be deposited in
+8 ads
9 Jan 2023
Calcium P for poultry (Mineral mix for compound feed)
Calcium P for poultry Calcium-phosphorus mineral mix Calcium and phosphorus are one of the most important biogenic elements necessary for the normal functioning and passage of life processes in the body. It is an irreplaceable structural material that is part of the bone tissue and can be
+8 ads
9 Jan 2023
Комбикорм для КРС
£ 0.11/kg  
wholesale from £ 0.11/kg
Комбикорм –  это сухие кормовые смеси для сельскохозяйственных животных и птицы. Полноценное, сбалансированное питание, которое даст хорошие показатели продуктивности. Для крупнорогатого скота, птицы, лошади, малорогатого скота
1 Jul 2024
Price on request
Commercial Offer Dear Sirs, Our company LLC «PaRADIZ XXI» is one of the leading Ukrainian companies specializing on oilseeds processing and sale. Our company is pleased to offer the following products: 1) Crude sunflower oil, 1st grade, in bulk (DSTU 4492:2005) - Scope of supply: 3000 t per month
26 Sep 2019
Ads found within the radius of 290 km from London
Куузіку для годівлі птиці та худоби
Куузіку для годівлі птиці та худоби - photo 1
Куузіку для годівлі птиці та худоби - photo 2
Куузіку для годівлі птиці та худоби - photo 3
£ 100/pc
Куузику – корнеплод - излюбленный корм для сельскохозяйственных животных и птиц, поэтому последние 10 лет на приусадебном участке возделываю это растение. С каждым годом все больше убеждаюсь в его полезности: Корнеплод богат витаминами, которые способствуют наращиванию мясной массы. В дело
+1 ad
21 Dec 2021
Sunflower miel
350/t DAP
Our company offers sunflower miel - a high-quality product that will become an indispensable component of your animal's compound feed. We guarantee the quality of our products, as we have our own production facilities and the necessary certificates. Main parameters: - Raw protein , no less %/ 35 -
+1 ad
24 Mar 2023
Rapeseed and sunflower meal granulated
£ 1/by agreement
Company purchise rapeseed meal and from sunflower, granulated, interested in concluding a long-term contract, the price by agreement.
+2 ads
9 Sep 2023
Soybean Meal/ Non Gmo Soybean Soya bean Meal For Animal Feed/ Yellow Corn best price
Soybean Meal/ Non Gmo Soybean Soya bean Meal For Animal Feed/ Yellow Corn best price - photo 1
Soybean Meal/ Non Gmo Soybean Soya bean Meal For Animal Feed/ Yellow Corn best price - photo 2
+1 photo
Soybean Meal/ Non Gmo Soybean Soya bean Meal For Animal Feed/ Yellow Corn best price - photo 3
310/t DAP
Small Orders Accepted Key Specifications/ Special Features: Soybean Meal Soybean meal is the product remaining after extracting most of the oil from whole soybeans. The oil may be removed by solvent extraction or by an expeller process in which the beans are heated and squeezed. The nutrient
+16 ads
30 Jan
Soybean Meal New Product Non Gmo/ Animal Feed for sale/ Quality Yellow Corn price
Soybean Meal New Product Non Gmo/ Animal Feed for sale/ Quality Yellow Corn price - photo 1
Soybean Meal New Product Non Gmo/ Animal Feed for sale/ Quality Yellow Corn price - photo 2
+1 photo
Soybean Meal New Product Non Gmo/ Animal Feed for sale/ Quality Yellow Corn price - photo 3
310/t DAP
Small Orders Accepted Key Specifications/ Special Features: Soybean Meal Soybean meal is the product remaining after extracting most of the oil from whole soybeans. The oil may be removed by solvent extraction or by an expeller process in which the beans are heated and squeezed. The nutrient
+16 ads
30 Jan
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